Noel Lucine

Moon Parasite VTuber

【 月神光 】He/They ✦ Nonbinary ✦ Twitch Affiliate ✦ VArtist & Gamer

✦Artwork ✦

The Lonely Parasite

✦ The Lore ✦

The Story of The Lonely Moon Parasite

Once upon a time, a lone deity once lived on the moon. With only his parasitical companions, he grew lonely and longed for those with higher thinking. Like a queen to one's hive, he commanded a formidable army of parasitical creatures like himself -- Those with the dominant and submissive strains. Looking back at his home for the last time, he left the palace he built to seek a new form of life. He descended from the moon and into the living world for the first time, hoping to befriend its strange and fascinating creatures.One faithful encounter changed Noel's life forever. He had been feeding off nature's beauty for a while, taking in any foliage he could for survival. His army has diminished to only a fraction of what it once was. Yet this is to be expected, for the journey was long and dreadful. It wasn't until Noel encountered a boy with death breathing down his spine that he took advantage of the situation, hoping to improve his own. Yet even without him taking the boy's body forcefully, the boy happily let him in. Without a word, with a smile, the boy was gone instantly. Indeed, this was fate. With a body he could command at his will, he sets out to cure this eternal loneliness.

Character Expansion

When the boy passed, Noel took over the boy's consciousness, taking over his memories and mind. He allowed him to become a game avatar the boy frequently plays. It was his favorite game, as Noel would later find out. Just like Noel, the human boy also leads an isolating life, separating himself from the outside world. He left very little behind, yet the memories continue to burn into him.Humble beginnings were all Noel ever needed. In this new life, he would live the life of an ordinary human boy, experiencing all the small pleasures of not just surviving, but living.Noel is known for having his companion and mysterious secretary, Dom (short for "Dominant Strain", manage his every day schedule with the utmost focus and punctuality. Though the origins of Dom came from negative emotions, such as that of a sudden emotional mania episode from Noel, he is a parasitical creature with limited emotions and functions. He is the logic to Noel's operations, often helping him come to conclusions or make decisions.Through many years of loneliness and emotional turmoil on the moon, Noel's body has changed to that of an unstable one. Often "splitting" off Juniors under strong emotional influences, "Visions" (the eyes that appear on Noel's body) slip under his watchful gaze as an emotional response to anything distressful or threatening.

Moon Parasite Species Expansion

Moon Parasites come in primarily two different strains; Dominant and Submissive. Those with the Dominant Strain trait possess purple eyes, and those with the Submissive strain possess golden or yellow eyes. Only those with the Dominant Strain can multiply it's own species through asexual reproduction. Noel holds both traits, being able to command both Dom and Juniors (those with the Submissive Trait).Noel can take on many forms. The dominant strains he produces alone can alter their forms to appear approachable, especially to outsider creatures unaware of its tactic. Although Moon Parasite species itself isn't entirely comprised of aggressive or harmful parasites, they can become so through any self-defense means. Typically, they feed off of waste or dead mites, converting them into good energy for a thriving ecosystem.Moon Parasites primarily reproduce through asexual means, Noel and Dom being the only ones with this ability to multiply their species. Juniors are the asexual reproductive versions of them, being mostly comprised of the same or similar genetic information as their Dominant counterparts. For this reason, nearly all Juniors appear identical.